Meet the Henning Ambulance crew: Scott Grabe
News | Published on February 2, 2022 at 11:38am EST | Author: Chad Koenen
Tell us about your family: I have been married to my wife Sonya for almost 22 years, and we have 3 kids. Our son Jack is serving in the United States Marine Corps, our daughter Gracie is in college at the Univeristy of North Dakota, and our son Teddy is a freshman at Henning High School.
What are some of your hobbies? I love to travel. I also like to read, fish, and spend time with my family at the lake.
Where do you work/what do you do? I work for the City of Staples as the Public Works Director. I manage the Water, Wastewater, Electric, and Street departments.
How long have you been on the ambulance service? I started with the ambulance service in 2001 and served through 2019. I felt like I could still contribute, so I recently recertified, and rejoined the crew.
Why did you join the ambulance service? In 2001 there was an advertisement that the ambulance service was looking for new members. I thought that I would have the ability to do it, so I signed up.
What do you enjoy about being on the department? I have always enjoyed working with my fellow crew members, and the members of the Rescue and ALS services. I also just enjoy being helpful.
What has been the most rewarding part of being on the ambulance service? The most rewarding part of being on the service is when there is a positive outcome because of something we did.