It happened in…
News | Published on January 25, 2022 at 12:47pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
05 years ago
Citizen’s Advocate
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017
In the heart of winter, Henning School students will have a bevy of activities beginning on Monday during the annual Snow Week. On Monday, six students will be competing for the title of Snow Week King and Queen during coronation. King candidates include: Brandon Johnson, Gunner Cordes and Jacob Lindberg, while the queen candidates include: Lydia Hansen, Hannah Augustus and Laura Ellstrom.
Four Henning School students placed at the Elks District Hoop Shoot held in Wadena on Jan. 14. Kale Misegades won the 8-9 boys division by connecting on 21 of 25 free throws.
25 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 22, 1997
Four people were injured in a two-car accident on a township road near the Henning Rifle Range Monday afternoon. A car driven by Thomas Hendricks was southbound, while the police car driven by Leon Reineke was northbound. The Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Department report says that due to high snowbanks and narrow road conditions, both vehicles were toward the center of the road when they met at the crest of a hill.
Gov. Arne Carlson’s decision to close schools throughout Minnesota last Thursday (Jan. 16) because of extreme cold weather was apparently controversial with many state administrators. But not with Henning Public School Superintendent Bruce Montplaisir. “We were going to close it anyway,” he said. The Thursday extreme cold followed blizzard conditions the previous day, in which many roads were drifted shut.
50 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1972
This old church in Henning, built about 1900 and known as the Trinity Lutheran Church, has been leased to St. Edward’s Catholic Church in Henning with option to buy as soon as the title is cleared. It is owned by the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. The lease is now in effect.
Irv Cordes points his finger at the date of his John Deere Day in Henning, which has been an annual event in Henning since the early 1930s. Irv hopes the weather gives him a break for a change. he usually picks the most “unseasonable” days. Mr. Cordes notes many changes in machinery since the start of these days with tractors taking over the horse chores. He says his luck has been changing lately—over the weeked he won a John Deere snowmobile at a sales meeting at Arrowwood. Maybe the weather for his day will change too.
75 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 26, 1947
Removing rust spots on refrigerator: Sandpaper until the metal is bright. Wipe with turpentine and apply coat of red lead paint. When this is dry apply an undercoat of enamel, then a good grade of surface enamel.
Protein foods, such as ham, fish or eggs, lost their food value when allowed to boil at high temperatures. Simmer them.
Brushes which have been used for shellac, should be cleaned with denatured alcohol and not turpentine.
If a porcelain teakettle or coffee pot becomes stained, rub the stained portion with a cloth dipped in baking soda until discoloration is removed. Then wash thoroughly.
Before washing scrim curtains fold each curtain down the center and baste the edges together. This will keep the edges straight.
100 years ago
The Henning Advocate
Thursday, Jan. 25, 1922
The married and single men of this town have been anything but courteous toward one another over the question of basketball—one faction contending that the other could not play the game. So they are settling the momentous question in an actual contest, best two out of three. The first game took place Monday evening. The contest was close and spectacular. The game went to the men of single blessedness by a score of 26 to 34. The spectators were enthused, not by what the players knew, but what the players didn’t know about the game. We were instructed not to give names, but a similar line-up will appear on the floor, here they are: Married men: O. C. Olson, P. W. Wentland, Albert Olson, O. L. Skorheim, Ed Skjegstad and E. P. Tschabold. Single men: Arvid Boline, Fritz Olin, Louis and Stener Hanson, Chas. Davis. A 10 cent admission fee will be made for next Monday evening’s game, that will go toward a hospital fund for crippled basketball players. So declares one of the players.