Henning fishing derby to move to land Feb. 5
News | Published on January 25, 2022 at 2:18pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0Family centric event to be held at Henning Festival Grounds

Due to poor ice conditions the Henning Ice Fishing Derby will be moved to the Henning Festival Grounds this year. The event will feature a number of family oriented games and activities throughout the day.
By Chad Koenen
The annual Henning Rod and Gun Ice Fishing Derby will be heading to land.
Due to poor ice conditions on Middle Leaf Lake, Henning Rod and Gun member Mike Helle said the ice fishing derby will be moved to the Henning Festival Grounds on Saturday, Feb. 5 from 12-2 p.m. Helle said the group wanted to move the ice fishing derby as soon as it became apparent that ice conditions would not allow for a safe ice fishing derby. That way people can plan ahead for a fun and family oriented day at the festival grounds.
“It will be a fun, family oriented event. We will still have a bonfire and plenty of activities for people of all ages.”
Mike Helle on moving the Henning Ice Fishing Derby to land this year
The goal is to provide people with an opportunity to get outdoors by having a variety of games and activities set up for people of all ages. Helle said the group may also pile snow up around the festival grounds to create snow hills for children to play on throughout the day.
In addition to an afternoon of outdoor activities and time to visit around a camp fire, the Henning Rod and Gun will give away hundreds of raffle prizes. Tickets for the raffle, in which proceeds benefit the Henning Rod and Gun Club, can be purchased in advance at a number of local businesses. Tickets can also be purchased the day of the event.
The grand prize for what is being dubbed as the Snow Derby, will be a Traditions Buckstalker Muzzleloading Rifle 50 caliber, a Strike Master 24 volt power ice auger, a Marcum Fish Finder, an Otter sled and much more.