Coronation set for Jan. 31 at Henning High School

Photo by Chad Koenen
Candidates for this year’s Henning Snow Week royalty include: Standing: Mackenzie Suchy and Megan Hansen. Back row: James Moran, Grace Hammer, Calvin Stueve, Alyvia Bunkowski, Broderick Rohloff and Adam Anderson.

By Chad Koenen


Snow, cold and everything winter will take center stage at Henning School next week.

The annual Snow Week celebration will get underway on Monday with the annual coronation celebration beginning at 2:45 p.m. Eight candidates will be vying for the title of Henning School Snow Week royalty candidates include: Kings: Calvin Stueve, Broderick Rohloff, James Moran and Adam Anderson; Queens: Megan Hansen, Mackenzie Suchy, Grace Hammer and Alyvia Bunkowski. 

In addition to coronation, Henning School will host a hallway decorating contest in the afternoon. The dress up day will be pajama day.

On Tuesday, students will be able to dress in their favorite jersey for jersey day, while the broom ball tournament will get underway.

Students and staff members will have a slew of options at their disposal for activity day on Wednesday. Students can either go to Andes Tower Hills, a movie at the Cozy Theatre and bowling in Wadena, or go ice fishing. The elementary students will have activity day in the gym.

The dress up day for Wednesday is color day, which includes: black for seniors, white for juniors, gray for sophomores, orange for freshmen, blue for eighth graders and red for seventh graders. 

On Thursday the dress up theme will be Camo/USA and ‘Merica Day. The broom ball tournament will also continue in the afternoon.

Snow Week will conclude on Friday with a dress up theme of Spirit Day. A pepfest will be held in the afternoon and bring the festive week to a close. 

Activity Schedule

Monday: PJ Day

2:25 – 8th Period Coronation and Hallway Decorating

Hallway Decorating will be from 2:25-2:40

Students will need to report to the gym by 2:45 for the start of Coronation

Tuesday: Jersey Day

12:45 – 6th Period-Broomball Tournament

8 Total Students at least two girls must play

Wednesday: Class Color Day (12th-Black, 11th-White, 10th-Gray, 9th-Orange, 8th-Blue, 7th-Red)

Activity Day: Andes Tower Hill, Wadena-Cozy Theater and Bowling, Fishing, K-5th-Activity in the gym

Thursday: Camo/USA/ ‘Merica Day

 12:45 – 5th Period-Broomball Tournament 

Friday: Spirit Day

2:25 – 7th Period Pepfest


Megan Hansen

Parents: Kelly Hansen and Ron

What activities do you participate in at school? None

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Football game

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? Everyone wears camo’s, Sr’s wear orange.

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Bring all teams out, have canidates play games/do challenges

Mackenzie Suchy

Parents: Tony and Renee Suchy

What activities do you participate in at school? SADD and Choir

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Just being with my friends at a care free time

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? Flannel or PJ day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Iron man volleyball and Trivia

Grace Hammer

Parents: Chris and Brandi Hammer

What activities do you participate in at school? Volleyball, SADD, Choir, Knowledge Bowl

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? My class Dressing up as characters from “That 70’s Show”

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? PJ day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Iron man volleyball

Alyvia Bunkowski

Parents: Casey and Garbielle Bunkowski

What activities do you participate in at school? NHS, SADD, Choir, Band, Speech, Knowledge Bowl, 4-H

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Being a crown bearer in first grade

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? Superhero day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Make teachers do Minute-to-Win-It games


Adam Anderson

Parents: Jessica and Luke

What activities do you participate in at school? I don’t know whatever’s interesting, esports, skateboarding

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Definitely this one, broomball, cornation

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? 90’s day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? A really really really big game of S.K.A.T.E.

Calvin Stueve

Parents: Jon and Amy Stueve

What activities do you participate in at school? Football, Basketball

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Singing Don’t Stop believing in the talent show with the boys

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? Celeb day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Game of Cup Pon, Darts, A Cookie Race, Intro for Bballand Wrestling Teams

James Moran

Parents: Pam Moran, Russ Moran

What activities do you participate in at school? Choir, Band, BPA, Knowledge bowl, esports

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? Broomball

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? PJ day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Have the band play and have some activities

Broderick Rohloff

Parents: Brian Rohloff and Kelly Widness

What activities do you participate in at school? None

What is your favorite Snow Week/Homecoming Memory? The dress-up days and the activities we did

If you plan any dress up day for Snow Week, whay would it be? Pajama day

If you could plan a pepfest for Snow Week, what would you do? Dodge ball games