Revolutionary War comes to life in OTC
News | Published on November 9, 2021 at 3:10pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
The Revolutionary War came alive Nov. 3 at the public library in Fergus Falls, with role playing and historic artwork.
Kind talks about life of Revolutionary soldiers
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
Drama was combined with role-playing and historical storytelling the evening of Nov. 3 at the Fergus Falls Public Library.
Arn Kind, a retired Mankato elementary school teacher, examined the causes of the Revolutionary War and the daily life of soldiers.
He made history come alive with realistic and colorful portrayals of people who participated in the Revolutionary War. His presentations are designed for fourth graders through adults.
A very important part of his presentations are the artifacts, uniforms and Revolutionary War type firearms that people are able to observe. Attendees appreciate the hands-on experiences in living history.
The program was sponsored by Fergus Falls Public Library and Viking Library System. Part of the funding for the program came from the Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage fund.
To contact Arn and learn more about his presentations, contact him by email: