Meet the Henning Ambulance crew: Jane Cook
News | Published on November 2, 2021 at 5:08pm EDT | Author: Chad Koenen
Tell us about your family: My husband Kevin and I have 4 kids and 4 grandkids. Sarah (Jack, Kora, Caleb); Josh and Rebekah (Francis); Jordan; Brandon
Where do you work/what do you do? I own a hair salon in Battle Lake and help with bookkeeping for my husband’s construction business. In my spare time I enjoy knitting, fishing and spending time with family and friends.
How long have you been on the ambulance service? A recruitment letter was mailed to me and my Dad encouraged us to get a license whenever there was an opportunity to do so.
What do you enjoy about being on the department? I enjoy being able to assist people to the next level of care, sometimes it’s a comfort for them to see a familiar face. I remember one particular night early in my career when a gentleman was having severe leg pain. The wind was bitter cold coming off the lake till we got him inside the rig and he hardly talked on the way to the hospital. Before we left to come back to Henning I stopped to say goodbye and he looked me in the eye and said, “thank you for getting up in the middle of the night to help me.” It can be hard for people to ask for help and just the way he said thank you I knew he really meant it!