Make a difference for those in need, donate to the food shelf
News | Published on March 3, 2021 at 1:15pm EST | Author: Chad Koenen
0For most people, hunger isn’t a major issue in their lives. But for many others, it is one of the most important issues facing their households, and area residents can help.
Food insecurities are very real for 1 in 11 households in Minnesota. About 98 percent of food-insecure households worry that they will run out of food before they have money to buy more, cannot afford a balanced meal or regularly skip meals, which is why local food shelves are so important.
During the 40th annual Minnesota Food Share March campaign from March 1 through April 11, contributions of money and food are being sought to maintain local food shelves as a valuable community resources. While food donations are always appreciated, financial support is especially preferred during these months of COVID-19 concerns, according to Karen Stueve, Henning Food Shelf director.
Since The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) weekly income guidelines of the USDA have been “relaxed” during the pandemic, many more people are eligible to use local food shelves at this time. Those who don’t fit these income guidelines may also qualify if they participate in any state or federal program or service such as SNAP, WIC, energy assistance, free and reduced school lunches, etc.
Also during Food Share Month, the local food shelf recognizes the efforts of the many volunteers who staff the food shelf as no one is paid for any of the tasks it takes to operate, stock and staff it.
The Henning Food Shelf is always seeking to reach more people in need, so if you are one of those 1 in 11 households, or know of someone who could be using these resources, could pick up food for them or give them a ride to shop for themselves, contact 583-2136. The Henning Food Shelf serves the residents of the Henning school district and non-residents whose children are enrolled in school here.
The Henning Food Shelf, located at 604 2nd Street in the old city hall building, is open on Mondays from 3:30-5 p.m. and other times by appointment by calling Stueve at 583-2136.
Financial contributions can be mailed anytime to P.O. Box 176, Henning, MN 56551. Any past and continued support is much appreciated.
TEFAP Income Eligibility
Family Size- Weekly Income
One- $0-798
Two- $799 to $1,078
Three- $1,079 to $1,358
Four- $1,359 to $1,638
Five- $1,639 to $1,918
Six- $1,919 to $2,198
Seven- $2,199 to $2,478
Eight- $2,479 to $2,758