By Chad Koenen


The Parkers Prairie Boy Scouts Troop 472 is hoping to make donating food and items to the Henning Food Shelf as easy as opening a door and leaving food on the front step. The club will be in Henning on Saturday, March 27, from 1-3 p.m. to walk and drive around the community to pick up donations for the Henning Food Shelf. 

Bob Aldrich, who helps with the Parkers Prairie Boy Scouts Troop, said the organization does a similar food drive for the Parkers Prairie Food Shelf. He said they would like to expand that offering to the Henning community as well. Currently, there are two Henning residents who have joined the Parkers Prairie Boy Scouts, and Aldrich said it is important to do community service projects in those members hometown, as well as Parkers Prairie. 

All of the items collected in the Henning Food Drive will stay in Henning and be donated to the Henning Food Shelf. Aldrich said people can call him at (320) 760-5604 to let the Boy Scouts know that there will be items to pick up. The items can be placed on their doorstep the day of the food drive, or can be picked up at the door. 

In addition to the food drive in Henning, Aldrich said any Henning area resident who would like to give scouting a try can contact him at (320) 760-5604 for more information about joining the Parkers Prairie Troop 472. He said Henning residents are welcomed to join the Parkers Prairie Scouts.